Saturday, March 15, 2008

Taken to Task by Some Culture Warriors over Homosex and Other Evils

Today I posted to the Vote Life, Canada! blog an entry entitled The Fight Against Homosex—and Other Evils and here’s how it started:
I’m not surprised that some culture warriors are disappointed with my recent article entitled “It’s Not the Homosex, Stupid.” The article didn’t make much of a splash but one or more outlets at least linked to it. Most of the feedback I have received has been positive, but discussion of “sterile sex” sharply divides the population into two camps and I must confess that only the smaller camp seemed impressed.

As I also explained in the posting, I thought it was important to go into further detail on the subject.

For those who did read the article—thank you!—but who remain unconvinced and disappointed, I offer the following additional commentary, hoping it will prompt a careful re-read and maybe even trip the switch leading to the new paradigm shift in thinking which I maintained was necessary to make gains on the culture war.

[Aside from our ongoing and constant dependence on God,] I believe our future truly rests on a momentous shift in our current thinking and practice regarding God’s gift of sexuality. I could launch into an argument about how this all depends on the preaching and teaching of Catholic Bishops, who alone possess access to the Magisterium, wherein can be found the mind of Christ on all matters of consequence to man—including the gift of sexuality.

But I won’t. I’ll save that for another day.

Take a look at the post here if you are so inclined.

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