Thursday, March 13, 2008

Radio Interview with Ottawa Archbishop Terrance Prendergast

Ottawa Archbishop Terrance Prendergast has been in the news this week and he’s been turning quite a few heads. More background can be found in my previous posting. He subsequently did a radio interview yesterday on CFRA. You can listen to the interview here. There’s quite a bit of chatter about the whole affair.
I think it’s a great time for all concerned Catholics to contact the Archbishop [write a letter] and ask him for clarification on his remarks. We should try to get assurance from him that he will tackle the problem of pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians in accordance with Church teaching, i.e. following the example of Archbishop Raymond Burke, as I touched upon a few days ago. Anything less simply won’t be effective.
If the Archbishop won’t agree to stand in full accord with the instruction of the Magisterium on this matter, you can expect this whole incident to blow over in a week or two and not a thing will change.


Ted Hewlett said...

I would appreciate your reading my comment on your other blog. I write in the belief that those who work to prevent the undermining of morality should not undercut one another even though we may disagree on some issues.
--Ted Hewlett

ELA said...

I have received your comment and will respond as soon as I can. Thanks for your input.