Saturday, May 03, 2014

Worldwide Call To Deny Communion To Pro-Abortion Politicians

We, Pro-Life Leaders, Call on the Bishops of the World to Extend Mercy to the Church’s Pro-Abortion Politicians

WHEREAS Saint Paul wrote in the eleventh chapter of First Corinthians: "For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord" (1 Cor. 11:29);

WHEREAS Canon 915 of the Church’s Code of Canon Law states that those who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion”;

WHEREAS Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote in a 2004 letter to the US bishops, called "Worthiness to receive Holy Communion", that a Catholic politician who votes for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws "must" be denied Communion after being duly instructed and warned;

WHEREAS Catholic politicians who support abortion are already in grave sin, and in receiving Holy Communion their sin is compounded by sacrilege;

WHEREAS by being given Holy Communion such Catholic politicians may well believe that they are spiritually healthy and thus not in need of any remedy;

WHEREAS distributing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians causes scandal to the rest of the faithful in that they come to believe that support for abortion is not too serious a sin, and thus undermines pro-life work;

WHEREAS being refused Holy Communion is an effective wake-up call to return to an authentic life of faith;

WHEREAS it is unmerciful to allow our brothers living in obstinate public sin to languish there without warning;

We the undersigned ask the Bishops of the Catholic Church to withhold Holy Communion from pro-abortion politicians as an act of love and mercy towards those same politicians. [Source]

This should be a no-brainer. But it’s not.

Why not? Why can’t they get this plane off the ground?

Because there’s an even more fundamental, egregious and pervasive violation of the Holy Eucharist taking place every day.

And nobody talks about it. 

Virtually never.

So what violation am I talking about? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

UPDATE: No comments to date so here's a clue to that pervasive evil described.

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