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Published today to SignOfContradiction.Blogspot.ca
On Sunday past, at the 75th Ordination Anniversary Celebration
for Monsignor
Vincent Foy, Cardinal Collins presided over Mass in the Extraordinary Form
and delivered the homily. According to this blogger,
Cardinal Collins
…spoke of the fortitude and perseverance we need to have as Catholics
in our current culture and to fight the temptation to leave and reject her
solemn teachings. He praised Msgr. Foy’s fidelity and persistence in preaching
the truth of Humanae Vitae. ++Collins
noted that it was our duty to challenge and evangelize our culture, to get out
and spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Life.”
This is rich indeed considering the Cardinal rarely mentions
the word “contraception”, or the phrase “Humanae Vitae” in his day to day
oversight as Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto. If you doubt that statement
please go to the Archdiocesan website
and do a word search. You’ll find two or three search results from 2008 and
2009 pertaining to a community talk at St. Michael’s college on the medical
consequences of contraception and a parish seminar on the “Contraception Deception”.
Then go to the Archdiocesan blog
and do the same. With over 660,000 page
views you’ll find basically one article on Humanae
Vitae out of over 550 blog postings and that was not an article with a
prominent Toronto Catholic’s name attached. It was a reprint from an article in
the Irish Independent.
Cardinal Collins, like every other Canadian Bishop as far as I can see, has done
nothing significant to promote the teaching of Humanae
Vitae on an Archdiocesan-wide level. Have any of the Bishops instructed their priests to require Confession for this evil behaviour? The Cardinal has failed to teach and to warn
his flock of the sinfulness
of the practice of contraception and its contribution to the culture of death
in Canada. He recently held a campaign
to get people back to Confession yet took no steps whatever to ensure that
Catholics had an opportunity to cleanse their souls of the pervasive and intrinsically
evil practice of contraception. Is this the work of a worthy
Apparently, in light of his comments in his homily at Msgr.
Foy's ordination celebration, Cardinal Collins knows full well the scope of the
problem in Canada about contraception yet refuses to address it in any concrete
fashion in his own See. Rightly, he praised Msgr. Foy for his doggedness over
orthodoxy for five decades or more yet he takes no steps himself to imitate
that godly determination in his own powerful sphere of influence. What a sham!
Unless of course we see a drastic and immediate turnabout in the Cardinal’s
approach on this issue.
Isn't this hypocrisy? Isn't it very much like what Jesus described
regarding the leaders of his day whose fathers killed the prophets but who pretended
that they themselves would never have participated in such persecution?
Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; that build the sepulchres
of the prophets, and adorn the monuments of the just, And say: If we had been
in the days of our Fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the
blood of the prophets. Wherefore you are witnesses against yourselves, that you
are the sons of them that killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of
your fathers. You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the
judgment of hell? Matthew 23:29-33
And isn't there similar application for what Jesus said
about those same leaders earlier in that same chapter who expect the
faithful to live devout Catholic lives yet won't lift a finger to help them in crucial ways?
All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do:
but according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do not. For they bind
heavy and insupportable burdens, and lay them on men's shoulders; but with a
finger of their own they will not move them. Matthew 23: 3-4
Why isn't Cardinal Collins doing his part to support Msgr.
Foy in his valiant fight to reverse the culture of death in Toronto? Why isn’t
he making Humanae Vitae an issue in
his diocese? And very conveniently, the Cardinal did not mention Ground Zero
for the collapse of morals in Canada, the infamous Winnipeg
Statement. This brazen attack in 1968 on the Pope and the Magisterium by the
Canadian Bishops has led to an actual false church of sorts in Canada, and a
dangerous pseudo-catholicism
which is sending countless souls into hell…
To say nothing of spawning a culture of death responsible
for over 3.5 million children killed by abortion in Canada.
Cardinal Collins and his fellow Bishops need to come clean. These
men need to stop their dissimulations, repent and do their job as Apostles of
Christ, or RESIGN. After such outrageous behaviour in this life as Successors
of the Apostles, do these men imagine they'll get into heaven with a wink and a
nod from God? Either God has played a cruel joke on all of us or these men are
gravely compromised in their callings.
Who knows, maybe what they’re counting on is a very long time in purgatory first?
Who knows, maybe what they’re counting on is a very long time in purgatory first?
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