Feast of the Holy Innocents: Politicians Who Promote
Abortion are the King Herod's of the Hour
CHESAPEAKE, VA. (Catholic Online) - Pope Francis addressed
an international gathering of Catholic Gynecologists several months ago. He
told them
Every child that isn't born, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted,
has the face of Jesus Christ, has the face of the Lord.
On December 28 in the Octave of Christmas we commemorate the
Feast of the Holy Innocents in the Liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.
The readings for the Mass remind us that evil has no respect for life. There is
an ongoing struggle between life and death, darkness and light, and those of us
called to continue the redemptive mission of Jesus, the Light of the world, are
engaged in the conflict.
The first reading for the Mass of the Feast of the Holy Innocents is taken from the 1st letter of the beloved disciple John,
The first reading for the Mass of the Feast of the Holy Innocents is taken from the 1st letter of the beloved disciple John,
This is the message that we have heard from Jesus Christ and proclaim
to you: God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we say,
"We have fellowship with him," while we continue to walk in darkness,
we lie and do not act in truth. (I John 5)
We are still celebrating the Octave of the Nativity of the
Lord, Christmas. Sometimes Christmas is referred to as the Feast of the
Incarnation. In fact, the Incarnation is much broader in its implications. The
Word became Incarnate immediately upon the response given by Mary to the
invitation of the Lord delivered through the Angel.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The moment He was conceived, the Incarnation began. Jesus Christ lived through every age and every stage of development. He is identified with every child from the moment of conception.
Medical science confirms what the Natural Law and our conscience long ago told all of us, the child in the womb is one of us. We all know it. We routinely operate on her when she needs our help and place her back in her first home of the womb until birth. We prosecute a criminal who, in committing a crime against his mother, kills him as well.
The abortion lie has been revealed in its wretched ugliness. Every procured abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child. The child in the womb is the same as the child outside of the womb. We are always persons in development.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The moment He was conceived, the Incarnation began. Jesus Christ lived through every age and every stage of development. He is identified with every child from the moment of conception.
Medical science confirms what the Natural Law and our conscience long ago told all of us, the child in the womb is one of us. We all know it. We routinely operate on her when she needs our help and place her back in her first home of the womb until birth. We prosecute a criminal who, in committing a crime against his mother, kills him as well.
The abortion lie has been revealed in its wretched ugliness. Every procured abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child. The child in the womb is the same as the child outside of the womb. We are always persons in development.
See the video and read the rest here.