Sunday, July 13, 2014

Toronto Blogging Priest An Ally Of Msgr. Foy On Humanae Vitae

Fr. Denis Lemieux can get very animated by the truth of Holy Mother Church. He just completed a series on Humanae Vitae. I’d like to meet this priest, as I would Msgr. Vincent Foy.

From a recent blog posting:

Sex is a very good thing, created by God and blessed, a power for love and life in this world that is very strong. But fragmented into its component parts, which is exactly what contraception does—the physical pleasure over here, the expression of love over there, the creation of a new life somewhere far, far away—all that inherent power within sex runs amuck, is turned in on itself, and does great harm. Not because sex is bad, but because (to put it baldly) we are bad, or at least somewhat so.

Apparently then, not every Canadian priest suffers from preposterous beliefs.

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