Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why Is Michael Coren So Scornful Towards Traditional Minded Christians?

A recent exchange on Twitter (pictured above) between @MichaelCoren and another man illustrates in stellar fashion what I said in a recent posting about Coren. Perhaps it just never caught my attention before but I'm wondering if this indicates a developing trend with Coren's perspective on "fair" and "loving" treatment of homosexual persons, a perspective outside the range of healthy Catholic thought on the subject.

In the exchange above, a faithful Catholic is disparaged by Coren for simply echoing Catholic teaching in a matter of fact kind of way. I don't think that calls for rebuke or sarcasm from a fellow Catholic. Apparently it places a Catholic, or really any Christian, in Coren's category of "fanatic."

According to this exchange, a Catholic who now believes that the use of contraceptives is contrary to the natural law is fair game for jokes and sarcasm from Coren. He also implies that his Twitter follower is being disingenuous in his comments but then goes on to mock that fellow Catholic's efforts at evangelizing, then requests that his follower stop commenting on his feed! Then comes the coup de grace. He makes a highly offensive accusation that is certainly worthy, in my opinion, of an apology and retraction:
You're making Jesus look bad. I'm sure (more sarcasm?) you mean well but your ignorance and hatred are shameful.
Coren's follower appropriately responds:
QUOTING the Catechism and professing Church doctrine is hateful and hurtful now, is it? Laughable.
I find Coren's words and underlying attitude to be clearly uncharitable and I think it really undermines his witness as a Catholic.


Barona said...

From all of this arises another issue: why is Coren so busy writing "books" on "Catholicism"?

ELA said...

Well, he's a writer as well as broadcaster so he is busy like all of us making a living. But you make a good point: Isn't there some hypocrisy in writing as a Catholic "expert" on Catholicism but then disparaging those that affirm some very basic beliefs of the Catholic faith? On a fundamental level in these conversations, he seems to immediately place himself at odds with such persons. In my opinion, regarding his "gay" agenda, he violates St. Augustine's dictum:
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

Barona said...

Interesting. I recall once Coren conceding that he was no expert on Catholicism. Indeed, during this moment of blunt honesty, his point is well taken. The insinuations that the Church can change Her teachings on contraception are mild boggling.