From an Editorial, The Telegram, October 10, 2007.
Appropriate, given today’s headlines.
The Future—It’s In Our Hands
“I question The Telegram’s claim of being unbiased.
Their editors, columnists and even their volunteer editorial board rarely, if
ever, offer contrary views to the steady diet of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual,
amoral bias of their commentary…Their acceptance of a few letters to the editor
hardly qualifies as balancing the scales…surely there should be room for one [outspoken]
pro-life minded columnist.”
With that rant, I ended my letter to the
editor a little more than a year ago. Today, The Telegram is making me eat my
People are reluctant in our day to raise
the subject of morals—unless of course it’s their kind of morals. Take for
instance the recent comments about Danny Williams’ plan to give $1000 for every
new child born in the province. Many scorned the plan, saying it would be
abused and lead to more “unwanted children” and besides, the government has no
business in our bedrooms. Yet some of these same self-proclaimed family
planning “specialists” insist that not only must government legally protect the
right to “terminate” these “products of conception” but that government must use
taxpayer money to finance the destruction of the “unwanted” pre-born children
resulting from their own bedroom activities.
Don’t misunderstand. It’s not that I agree
with Danny’s bizarre approach to the problem of a “dying race.” Imagine—paying
some mothers to create children while at the same time paying other mothers to
violently destroy nearly a thousand new budding unborn lives just months away
from residency. It’s a strange way to prove he is concerned about population
growth but when Bishops and pastors would rather busy themselves with politically
correct issues such as AIDS, poverty and the environment, what’s a premier to
do? Indeed, forty years of outrageous sexual license in our society testifies
to the far greater cowardice of today’s religious leaders. Honestly Danny I
feel for you but, again, it’s just skewed morals at work.
Nevertheless, give this premier his
credit—he rightly sees the future of Newfoundland and Labrador endangered by
depopulation “choices.” Likewise I’m concerned about the future and I see
dangers too. I’ve been accused of being a one issue guy. I admit it’s true. But
the issue is not abortion.
The issue is our future—that of my children
and grandchildren. That future will be best guarded by those who believe an
accounting for their actions in this life will be demanded in the next. I hope
we’ve just elected some politicians with such beliefs.
We’re back to morals again aren’t we? If
lying, stealing, cheating and adultery are still not legitimate choices, why
should pornography, gambling, sex outside marriage and all manner of sexual
perversion be acceptable for our future?
The fact is that all of these choices are
downright dangerous to our future because they destroy the fabric of our
society. They represent selfish behaviour which paves the way for our
province’s greatest challenges: abortion, sexual perversion and promiscuity, sexual
assault and violence, school bullying, the home care crisis which is simply
another ugly expression of elder abuse, corrupt politicians, STD and VLT epidemics.
These all expose a crisis regarding respect for the life and presence of our
fellow man.
I thank The Telegram for the opportunity in
the coming months to share my views on the above subjects which touch the lives
of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians daily. It will be my goal to place the
subject of right morals front and centre where it belongs.
by Eric Alcock
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