A posting taken from the Island Catholic blogspot Nov. 15, 2005 (blog no longer accessible). Note that Archbishop Collins is now a Cardinal.
There’s ruminating and cogitating happening
but not a lot to regurgitate yet. :)
But I do want to take time to feature Archbishop
Thomas Collins (link no longer working) of Edmonton, Alberta, after I read this little
tidbit (link no longer working; article now posted here)
a few days ago.
The Archbishop has said that Bishops should
withhold communion from political leaders who profess to be faithful Catholics
but whose decisions violate the basic tenets of their faith. Bishop Collins was
in Rome along with 256 Roman Catholic bishops, cardinals and heads of religious
orders from 118 countries to attend the three-week Synod of Bishops in October.
Even though the Synod Propositions did not
make the same strong pronouncement that Archbishop Collins made, I think the
Archbishop is very much in line with the Pope’s thinking
(link no longer working; similar reporting here) on the matter, as well as certain Cardinals, and
other so-called “activist” Bishops.
The Synod’s Proposition 46, entitled
“Eucharistic Coherence of Catholic Politicians and Lawmakers” states:
Catholic politicians and lawmakers must feel
especially questioned in their conscience, properly formed, about the grave
social responsibility of introducing and supporting iniquitous laws. There is
no Eucharistic coherence when laws are promoted that go against man's integral
good, against justice and the natural law. Private and public choice cannot be
separated, placing oneself in contradiction with the law of God and the
teaching of the Church, and this must also be considered in regard to the
Eucharistic reality (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29).
In applying this guideline, Bishops must exercise the virtues of fortitude and prudence, taking into account the concrete local situations.
In applying this guideline, Bishops must exercise the virtues of fortitude and prudence, taking into account the concrete local situations.
Unfortunately, that last sentence leaves
all (cowardly) options on the table.
Nevertheless, it’s wonderful to hear of
another Canadian Bishop [besides Bishop Henry] with the courage to say what he did about
derelict politicians.
I’ve been doing a little investigative
study online pertaining to Archbishop Collins and I like what I’m seeing.
Archbishop Collins appears to be a wise and active Bishop.
While Archbishop Harry Flynn of St.
Paul-Minneapolis barred the Legionaries of Christ from his archdiocese saying
they were encouraging a "parallel church," the Legionaries of Christ
have a close relationship
(link no longer working) with the archbishop of Edmonton.
Collins called the Legionaries
a religious order very much approved by the Holy
Father. I think they are doing very good work. I've tried to work together very
closely with both the Legionaries' representative and also with the local
Regnum Christi people to be sure that they are connected into the local Church,
the local parish.
The Regnum Christi people have been most cooperative; very, very cooperative. And they are very zealous, active parishioners and I have great admiration for their work.
The Regnum Christi people have been most cooperative; very, very cooperative. And they are very zealous, active parishioners and I have great admiration for their work.
Last December, Archbishop Collins asked his
parishes (link no longer working) to spend time every week during the next
year in Eucharistic Adoration. The Bishop said,
holding weekly Eucharistic Adoration in every parish
would be a suitable way to celebrate the Year of the Eucharist, which began
Oct. 17 and will end with the world synod. People could come before the
Eucharistic glory, and then return to the world with peace in their hearts to
convey the message of Jesus.
He also said that he’d like to develop
perpetual adoration at places in the archdiocese where it is realistic to do
Real good plan Archbishop. Excellent in
The Archbishop has also been busy warning
about the dangers
of gambling (link no longer working).
When any Catholic group is doing fundraising, they
have to be very careful of the method used to raise money. They have to make
sure the method they use does not harm people. Gambling is becoming bigger and
bigger. It raises a very real concern, that different types of gambling might
attract people leading them to being addicted.
The Archbishop did not ban bingo from his
diocese, as did Bishop Henry, but he’s been issuing strong alerts.
You know, it’s difficult to know just how
much to praise up a Bishop when you don’t know much about him. The fear is that
maybe tomorrow you’ll hear something about him or his teaching that greatly
undermines the faith. Or maybe he's just talking lots and giving PR statements
and doing nothing courageous or bold to build up his people in the faith or
fight evil in his diocese.
But I do like what I hear about Archbishop
Collins. Be sure to thank God for him and pray in your own special way for much
increase in grace for him.
One last point…anyone else out there know a
thing or two about Bishop Collins?
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