Wednesday, June 29, 2016

When Bishops Betray: Court Decrees 40M Bubble Zone Outside St. John's Abortuary

Pseudo-catholic Rolanda Ryan, owner of child killing centre, 
with her lawyer in Supreme Court
A health clinic in St. John's has reached a deal with anti-abortion activists to ban protests within a 40 metres radius of its building. 
The Athena Health Clinic finalized the decision at the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador on Tuesday.
Would this be the same "health clinic" run by the same pseudo-catholic as I exposed in this blog posting in 2014? In fact, yes, it would be.
Now this entire tragedy spells S-C-A-N-D-A-L in a multitude of ways: scandalous that someone raised Catholic could ever contemplate facilitating or assisting in the murder of unborn children, let alone protesting in public a woman’s “right” to murder her children; scandalous that fellow Catholics could sit in pews and watch known baby killers join in the Communion line to desecrate the Holy Eucharist without rushing to protect the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ from sacrilege; scandalous that priests can’t/won’t/don’t stop it; scandalous that Bishops seem indifferent or powerless to address such abominations. 
These are some of the tweets I sent out in response to this disturbing development:

You see, when God's people stubbornly and consistently defend the lives of pre-born children threatened by abortion—as these pro-life heroes have done in St. John's, NL for decades—eventually the devil gets enraged and stirs up his minions, the champions of death, to push back and protect his territory. Because, you see, legal abortion is perhaps his greatest bloody achievement in the war against God and His Creation.

And when Catholic Bishops are indifferent, on a daily basis, to the evil of child killing taking place in their very backyards and, worse still, can't be bothered to intervene when peaceful, prayerful and loving pro-lifers themselves are under direct attack, you may expect the devil to make huge gains in advancing  Why wouldn't he expect a great victory in a spiritual offensive when his enemies are weak, apathetic and oblivious to the power granted them by their Lord and Master?

Imagine if Archbishop Martin Currie of St. John's, had taken to heart the scandal exposed in my posting of 2014. Imagine we had seen serious action such as I proposed:
...a front page notice in the local newspaper or the Archdiocesan website lamenting the fact that so-called Catholics who run the local abortion centre received Holy Communion inadvertently last Sunday at St. Teresa's parish? Did we hear that local Catholics were so outraged to discover this that they demanded from the Archbishop assurances that such a thing might never happen again? Did we subsequently see on the Archdiocesan website or the Archbishop's blog a statement from Archbishop Currie that such a disgrace would never happen in his Archdiocese a second time?
Imagine the Archbishop had arranged a meeting with the Ryan sisters to advise them of their standing in the Catholic Church in accordance with Canon Law and their automatic excommunication for their support and facilitation of abortion. Imagine he had impressed upon them the seriousness of their actions before Almighty God and the absolute impossibility of receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist whilst living in such a separated, wretched and sinful state. Imagine he had, with godly earnest, perhaps even with tears, implored these sisters to immediately repent of their sins and be reconciled to Christ who loved them so. Imagine what a different outcome than the one we saw take place today in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Failing in his direct appeal to and discipline of the pro-abortion Catholic sisters, and every other reasonable effort to distance Holy Mother Church from the evil actions of renegade Catholics, the Archbishop might likely be forced into the most extreme Christ-like course of action required: joining the pro-life warriors in prayer and protest outside the killing centre and defying the intimidating tactics of the court. Of course this programme of self-sacrifice might ultimately lead the Archbishop to a night in jail but who in the province would ever thereafter doubt the Church's staunch opposition to the killing of innocents? Would even the courts dare pursue the Archbishop's prosecution?

But alas, we know only too well that Catholic Bishops have seldom, if ever, displayed such conviction or offered such sacrifice. And so it is that abortion continues to rob our nation of God's precious gifts. 

And so also, it would appear that we are one court case closer to the tragedy of a Canada where those opposed to the murder of children in the womb face immediate jail time for their public show of resistance.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Overwhelming Rejection Of The Faith Among Catholics

Michael Voris hammers away. I couldn't agree more.
The reason why, in the final analysis, is fear. The bishops need to hear that what they are doing is wrong. They need to be told point blank that they are completely out of touch. They are steering the Church over the cliff, that they are being unfaithful and disobedient, that their "managing the decline" approach to evangelization is ridiculous, that substituting watered-down "hugs and kisses" catechesis for actual doctrine will cost them dearly when they die and approach their Lord and Master.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Pseudo-Catholic Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes Receiving Communion At Whitby Parish

Allow me to clarify: A pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, pro-same sex marriage, and pro-euthanasia “Catholic” politician in our Archdiocese regularly attends Mass and is served the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the parish priest.

So what’s the big deal? A majority of Canada’s Catholics qualify for the label pseudo-catholic and yet they are still offered Holy Communion in their parishes (it’s still sacrilege though).

True. But here I’m talking about a Catholic who has high public visibility, an elected Member of Canada’s Parliament who represents the Whitby riding. It’s technically safe to call her, in Catholic parlance, a public sinner.
Who is Celina Caesar-Chavannes?

Celina R. Caesar-Chavannes MP is a Canadian Liberal politician, who was elected to represent the riding of Whitby in the House of Commons of Canada in the 2015 federal election. Wikipedia

She is also Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister. Yes, correct, that Prime Minister, pseudo-catholic Justin Trudeau. Take note then, she has been appointed to speak on behalf of Justin Trudeau! (Is there any chance he would have chosen a secretary to speak for him who has views contrary to his on crucial messaging?) In fact, she gives every evidence of being a veritable clone of our current PM.

I will refer to Ms. Caesar-Chavannes for the remainder of this posting as CRCC.

CRCC attends Holy Family Parish in Whitby, ON. She regularly presents for Holy Communion.
What are the political facts about CRCC?


She is a Liberal MP in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet and all his MP’s are under a mandate to vote pro-choice.  In May 2014, a year prior to CRCC’s election victory, Trudeau said, “Candidates who oppose abortion are barred from running in the Liberal Party’s ‘open’ nominations for the 2015 federal election.” We can only assume CRCC votes in favour of the status quo on abortion in Canada. She supports a woman’s “right” to kill her unborn child.

On June 1, 2016, CRCC posted the following on her Facebook page:

I was honoured to join Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today as he raised the Pride flag on Parliament Hill. He reminded us that there is still much work to do to - and that we are all responsible for doing our part.

She included the link to the CBC story Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raises a Pride flag on Parliament Hill for the first time in Canadian history as well as embedding the CBC video on her timeline.


On May 17, 2016, CRCC posted the following on her Facebook page:

Today is about hope, change, & the understanding that as Canadians we should all feel safe to be ourselves. Very proud of our government and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today, and thankful to the countless people who continue to work hard to eliminate homophobia and transphobia.


On May 3, 2016, CRCC posted the following on her Facebook page:

Last night I spoke in the House about Bill C-14, Medical Assistance in Dying. It was an honour to stand up in support of this important legislation. This bill has amplified the discourse about life and about death. I am thankful to all who participated in the preparation and tabling of this document.

She featured a video of her speech in the House of Commons (also posted same, with text, on her official MP website) summarizing the government’s position on Bill C-14, noting particularly that she was “proud” of the government bill. She even touted her bona fides as a “person of faith” in assessing the positive nature of the new suicide paradigm (sounds familiar), also citing her meeting with St. John the Evangelist Catholic parish in Whitby over concerns about conscience rights of physicians. Of course, she insisted, her government would never trample conscience rights! (except when it came to MP’s voting pro-choice!) She waxed eloquent about how the work on C-14 “challenges us all to examine our fundamental beliefs about life and about death.”

Pro-same-sex “marriage”

There was no direct reference that I could find on CRCC’s Facebook page to support the conclusion that she is in favour of sodo-marriage. However, given her very close position as spokesperson for PM Justin Trudeau, her membership in the Liberal Party of Canada—the party that pushed through this insult to God and marriage—and her other publicly stated positions on homosexuality and LGBT rights, it is only reasonable to assume she supports same-sex “marriage” as well. Of course if I am wrong on this point I will certainly amend this paragraph with an update to that effect.
What is CRCC’s status as a Catholic parishioner?

I do not know this woman personally and so I rely heavily on my sources. She is a regular parishioner at Holy Family Parish in Whitby, ON. She regularly participates in the celebration of Holy Eucharist, publicly receiving Jesus Christ without restriction or censure. She has been questioned at times about her political affiliation and her support of policies and positions identified by the Catholic Church as grave evils. Rather than engaging in any reasoned discussion, she provides no explanation whatever for her public dissent but instead insists that judging is contrary to the Bible.  

The parish priest is well aware of the concerns that faithful Catholics have in regard to CRCC’s dissent from Catholic teachings and the scandal generated thereby. He is also aware of the strong objections that some have to CRCC partaking of the Holy Eucharist while obstinately persisting publicly in a condition of grave sin. (Canon 915 of the Catholic Code of Canon Law insists that such public sinners are NOT TO BE ADMITTED to Holy Communion.) Perhaps the priest, like CRCC herself, believes in the mantra that “we should never judge others” or perhaps he believes in the heresy that has infected CanChurch since the Catholic Bishops’ 1968 Winnipeg Statement, that of “conscience rights.”

No doubt it would be a bombshell going off in his parish and in his personal career if he decided to deny Holy Communion to such a high profile politician. Is that why he continues to ignore Canon 915 or is it because the status quo in the Archdiocese is to never seriously address any grave evils in the lives of the faithful in respect of administering Holy Communion, let alone that of public sinners. This appears, increasingly, to be the modus operandi of Cardinal Collins. Why then would any of his priests bother to make grave sin an issue or to protect the Lord Jesus Christ from sacrilege?

But the fallout from such cowardice and betrayal is of nuclear proportions. Faithful Catholics are so scandalized by repeatedly witnessing such sacrileges that the Holy Spirit within them becomes vexed and grieved and they see no alternative but to leave their parishes. But where do they go to find a community of true believing Catholics?  They can easily become overcome by doubt and cynicism and cease Church-going and their public worship.

Even now the scandal at Holy Family parish in Whitby is taking an extreme toll on serious minded Catholics and some are already preparing to leave.
What does the future possibly hold for CRCC?

CRCC is a very savvy politician. I would describe her as one who has a sixth sense about her job. Her political instincts are sharp, powerful and quite competitive. She is a gifted communicator and is extremely effective with social media and getting her message across. The feedback she receives from constituents and interested parties in general is almost universally positive and even extraordinary. In short, if they don’t love her they at least regard her as a very impressive, committed and authentic politician, one possessed of great compassion and care for her community.  

I hasten to add here that any gifts that CRCC possesses in regard to serving her fellow man are gifts given to her by God through the Holy Spirit at her confirmation. She is obligated, again by that same Holy Spirit, to use those gifts in accord with the laws and statutes of Christ’s Holy Catholic Church. She has NO freedom to use them as she pleases. In this connection we see the great sin of Canada’s Catholic Bishops who refuse to teach the fullness of the Catholic faith and to properly form the consciences of the faithful. Their omission to do so, and their refusal to discipline wayward and renegade souls, particularly Catholic politicians and other influential public figures, has resulted directly in the creation of a false counter-church—a pseudo-catholic culture—within the bowels of Canada’s true Catholic Church.   

In a recent interview with CRCC, Global TV broached the subject of a possible future run for Prime Minister by the rookie politician. We learn from that interview (and others) that CRCC recovered from a very low turning point in her life when she cried out in prayer and with tears to God for help. She credits her future in politics, at least partly, with the unfolding of God’s answer to her prayer. Unfortunately God is not the only one battling for souls and the problem is if the Bishops don’t address their failures in forming the minds and hearts of CRCC and the rest of Canada’s faithful, we may very well be watching the making of another pseudo-catholic Prime Minister.
It’s all on the Bishops

Some of us could see it coming with Justin Trudeau for many years. The Bishops apparently couldn’t or simply didn’t care (sufficiently). Through their denial of Canon law and other select Church teachings we see they prefer to do crisis management and now those that seem to care are running mad and scared.

God equips His people with great and fearful gifts, in order that His Body might be built up and Christ glorified in our world as King. Then He passes these souls over to the Bishops in order that they might be trained and put into His Service. When the Bishops fail in their responsibilities then Satan wins by default. Through the indoctrination of culture and the world and through the weakness of human flesh, Satan already has a stupendous foothold in the lives of every individual not on a steady path of daily conversion to Christ. Catholics like CRCC and Justin Trudeau, although very likely culpably ignorant, believe they are doing the best they can for their families, others, and the nation but too many are actually in the service of their father the devil. Unfortunately, priests and their Bishops, immobilized by fear and confusion, are doing little to correct them on their deadly path, and, may one day join them in Hell.
The failure of Archbishop Prendergast to redress scandal

Renegade “Catholic” politicians, as well as scores of key public officials, like CRCC could be saved from the destructive path of dismantling the moral fabric of Canada if only Archbishop Prendergast would take seriously the charge he has from Jesus Christ and His Church. Canon law demands that public sinners be denied Holy Communion for just such a reason as we currently see in the CRCC scandal. If the Archbishop were to PUBLICLY apply—as indeed the spirit of the canon demands and as I have argued he ought to—the censure of Canon 915 with respect to the most powerful antichrist “Catholic” in Canadian politics, our very own PM Justin Trudeau, it would be a powerful antidote, and rebuke, to other pseudo-catholics like CRCC and cause them to think very carefully and seriously about not following in the same path. It would also embolden the local priests to follow his example and apply some much needed discipline to the lives of the most rebellious public sinners in their parishes.   

Instead of idolizing and cozying up to the most notorious pseudo-catholics in Canadian history, wayward Catholics might be more inclined to shun them altogether, to the eternal good of their souls.