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Outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa for #Canada150 |
I traveled to Ottawa today with a message for the 10AM Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral and for Canada's 150th birthday celebrations. Between the pouring rain and the huge police security presence on Sussex Drive I reluctantly chose not to use my signs and loudspeaker. (Instead I used Photoshop after returning home 😏)
This was the message I went to deliver:
Archbishop Prendergast, do your duty to God: Discipline Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in accord with the law of Christ that his soul might be saved and the tide of evil stemmed in this great land of Canada.
Ottawa’s Archbishop is considered by many to be one of Canada’s finest Bishops. Perhaps he is, but he is surely one of Canada’s most reckless Bishops as well. Christ Himself said that to whom much is given much is required. The Archbishop has been given a station of tremendous influence in our nation’s capital. Why then has he first equivocated, then ignored, the remedy proposed by Christ and His Church to deal with the dangerous behaviour of Canada’s #1 public sinner, Justin Trudeau?
Just weeks ago we witnessed the greatest scandal to take place in Canada’s recent history----made all the worse because it was televised live on national TV. At a high Mass at Notre Dame Basilica in the midst of gala celebrations for the 375th anniversary of the founding of Montreal, Justin Trudeau, a renegade Catholic, shared in Eucharistic Holy Communion. Prime Minister Trudeau defies the law of Christ pertaining to practically every social evil currently plaguing Canada, including abortion, contraception, divorce, euthanasia, homosexuality, same sex marriage, and gender theory. Nevertheless, he stepped forward to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and was enabled in his act of sacrilege by none other than the Archbishop of Montréal, Christian Lépine, a Bishop who later justified his scandalous behaviour by characterizing it as a “gesture of hope.”
The warning from Holy Scripture is clear:
Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord… For he that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 1 Corinthians 11:27, 29Since that blasphemous moment in Montreal not one of the more than 30 influential Bishops and 400 priests present, including Archbishop Prendergast, has spoken up to condemn the evil perpetrated at that event or to defend the teaching of Christ. By all appearances these consecrated men fear the wrath of men more than the wrath of God. The Catholic Church prescribes for public sinners such as Justin Trudeau the application of Canon Law No. 915, which would mandate the denial of Holy Communion as a measure to help save the sinner’s soul and also as a measure to prevent the affected community being scandalized.
Since arriving in Ottawa in 2007 the Archbishop could practically see from his front yard the rise to political prominence of Justin Trudeau and all the scandal surrounding this renegade Catholic’s denial of Church teaching. As Trudeau’s Bishop, he refused to confront Trudeau’s demon actions and to properly address the scandal in a timely fashion in accordance with Church law. Had he done so in the earliest stages, the Archbishop might have helped to save Trudeau’s soul. At the very least early action would have publicly signaled to Canada the true nature of Trudeau’s immoral character and devilish mindset. Such exposure might well have inhibited his rise to power and very possibly prevented his election to the most powerful office in the nation.
Tragically then it must be acknowledged that Archbishop Prendergast is complicit in the rise of great evil in our land because he refused to employ the Church's remedy for public sinners. There is no getting around it, the Archbishop defied Church law and spurned Christ. And, indirectly, he has endangered all of Canada and subjected even other nations to the demonic influence of Trudeau evils through millions of dollars of contraception and abortion advocacy overseas.
Archbishop Prendergast was aware that PM Trudeau would be attending—and speaking—at the commemorative Mass in Montreal several weeks ago. If Trudeau had been contacted and informed it would have been a simple matter to ensure the Prime Minister did not present for Holy Communion. Had the PM ignored such a warning, those who were Ministers of Holy Communion, including Archbishop Lépine, could have readied themselves to deny Holy Communion should Trudeau step forward. Bottom line: Had the Bishops been joined heart and mind to Christ the scandal could have been averted.
It’s Canada Day 2017 but what exactly are we celebrating in this once great nation of ours? What does God see when His gaze fixes on Canada? 50 years of unrestricted legal killing of unborn children, as many as 4 million terminated by therapeutic abortions due to a criminal code that is blind to abortion; A nation addicted to the unnatural sexual appetite of sodomy, with as many as 90% of the population practicing or supporting contraception and another huge percentage cheering on the drive to fully normalize homosexual relationships; A Supreme Court which has somehow determined from our Charter of Rights that Canadians possess a right also to euthanasia, or the more polite phrase, “physician assisted death” or the even more sanitized MAID (medical aid in dying).
What else does God see? One of the first Western nations to legally assault God’s divine plan of marriage and legitimize so called “same sex” marriage; And now these days we see unfolding in Canada Satan’s latest attack on God’s truth, that of gender ideology. Already it has started in our schools to twist the minds of our youngest children and only days ago, it was given protections under law by PM Trudeau; now the state has free reign to silence its critics and corrupt our society. On this Canada Day 2017, rather than a celebration, shouldn’t we be preparing a national day of mourning and humiliation before the Lord?
It has been announced that Archbishop Prendergast will re-consecrate the Archdiocese of Ottawa to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is always appropriate to honour our Lady and acknowledge her miraculous role in our salvation but her message to all servants of the Lord Jesus Christ is the same:
FIRST honour my Son. Do whatever He tells you. Christ my Son instituted laws in His Church to prevent unworthy sinners from desecrating His Body and Blood. Canada is plunging into a moral abyss because for 50 years my Son is handed over to His enemies in an unholy communion and yet the Bishops of Canada fail to discipline renegade yet influential and powerful Catholics. Yet these same Bishops wish to consecrate Canada to my Immaculate Heart. How disingenuous! How hypocritical! First learn to obey my Son and the laws of the Church for which He gave His life!The hour is late. There can be no further delay. Archbishop Prendergast, do your duty to God: Discipline Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in accord with the law of Christ that his soul might be saved and the tide of evil stemmed in this great land of Canada.
Thank-you for this timely post. Indeed the Archbishop by his silence, puts connivance with political powers ahead of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Occasional appearances at "Right to Life Marches" (completely ineffective) keep simple-minded Catholics into believing that these churchmen are fighting for Christ and His Law.
We always need to see what a bishop does, not what he says. If a bishop is doing nothing, or virtually nothing, we know where he is coming from.
"puts connivance with political powers ahead of Our Lord Jesus Christ" seems to be an apt description of the Archbishop's behaviour but I wonder what other dynamics might be present? e.g. pressure from fellow Bishops, misunderstanding of the nature of the Eucharist and the Real Presence, confusion about the role of a Bishop, etc. The devil has a multitude of devices to lead us into hell.
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