Apparently one can't offer much criticism of LifeSite in their comment boxes. I must have hurt someone's feelings.
A few days ago, I offered a comment on a story that LifeSite published.
For more than 10 years the Catholic Bishops took no decisive or effective action to curb the scandal of pseudo-catholic Trudeau. If they had, Trudeau quite possibly would not have been elected PM. This, along with euthanasia and other social evils on the burner, are therefore on the Bishops, especially on Ottawa Archbishop Prendergast. Why not make the case LifeSite? What/who are you protecting and why?
Steve Jalsevac responded:
You do not realize that Archbishop Prendergast has met with Trudeau. However, the bishop can only have any effect if Trudeau has some interest in his supposed Catholicism. Our understanding is that he could care less what the Church or the local bishop or even God thinks. He is an extremely shallow man with no sense of Catholicism or Christianity about him. Why don't you give it a try and see what how seriously Trudeau responds to any kind of Catholic faith argument.
However, in one respect you are correct. That is, if the bishops had been far more competent, courageous and faithful teachers over the past several decades our political situation would likely now be vastly better. Far too many Canadian bishops (not Prendergast and a good number of others) were essentially among the more dissident and disbelieving Catholic bishops in the world. Our entire nation is now enduring the fruits of this long time apostasy by its non-Catholic Catholic shepherds. Still, any who are doing their best to be faithful should have our encouragement and full support. They have been fighting against an overwhelming tide within the Church in the wrong direction.
So I assume he agreed with my comment overall, at least to some extent. He gave no indication that if I wasn't careful future comments might be blocked. I replied:
You keep defending Prendergast but he did nothing to address the scandal caused by Trudeau or to protect the Eucharist from desecration or to save Trudeau's soul. Any and all of these would have required some sort of public statement and discipline. All we got instead from the Archbishop was huff and puff. Is Justin Trudeau receiving Holy Communion at Mass, wherever, whenever he attends? We don't know, do we? And has LifeSite investigated that aspect of the continuing scandal? Not that anyone knows. But you'll put out a story like this on Trudeau and the Pride Parade. What's the point? It all goes back to the Bishops. That's where it starts and that's where it ends. Like I said "What/who are you protecting and why?"
Last evening I read another story from LifeSite and wanted to leave a comment. That's when I discovered that I had been blocked and my last comment hadn't been published. The latest comment I tried to post was as follows:
When Catholic Bishops don't say what they are commissioned by Christ to say, this is what inevitably happens in the culture: the prince of this world expands the culture of death. Why didn't Cardinal Collins (and the rest of our Bishops) speak the message of Christ to his flock?
I don't often post comments to LifeSite and not all my comments are critical. At times I support them financially. But they are a confused, hedz-in-the-sand bunch when it comes to defending certain favored Bishops, especially Archbishop Prendergast, whom I consider overall to be a hireling, unworthy Bishop. Is that too shocking a statement? Apparently so. Nobody has seriously countered any of my claims in the many posts I've compiled on the Catholic Governor of Ottawa, or for that matter, on the Catholic Governor of Toronto.
Am I so far off base as to be totally dismissed out of hand?
On February 18, 2016 Faith Goldy made a presentation to a church group in Calgary, Alberta entitled "Unmasking the Architects and Evils of Sexual Education." It deals with Ontario's Kathleen Wynne / Ben Levin's evil sex ed curriculum which was hatched in 2010. 30 minutes of the video below is dedicated to that talk. Thanks to the blog One Man's Hope for a Better World.
It is beyond shameful that the Catholic Bishops of Ontario have failed to mount any significant opposition to push back against this evil overtaking our society.
If you want the highly acclaimed, but uncritical, Church of
Nice version of the Cardinal's appearance before the Special joint parliamentary committee on "Assisted Dying,” a
euphemism for "mercy killing" or doctor assisted suicide, go here,
or here,
or here.
If you don't wish to be challenged at all in your thinking about things Catholic,
be sure to not return to this page.
Canada Sinking Deeper
Into Sin
Let’s start by taking a sober look at Canada’s overall moral
state. We have become a nation of killers, responsible, through legalized,
taxpayer funded abortion, for the deaths of at least four million preborn
children. The institution of marriage is crumbling, with divorce rates at about
40%. For at least two generations, it appears Canadians have turned a blind eye
to the natural law, mainstreaming at least two great evils. Contraception has generated
national contempt for the gift of God and has destroyed countless other
millions of tiny pre-born children who have been washed out of the womb through
the use of abortifacient contraceptives. It has also generated a national
crisis centred in forced immigration policies characteristic of the decadent
West and playing into the hands of radical Islam. The second great evil
unleashed is a full panoply of sodomy related perversions, including MSM (men
having sex with men), radical homosexual activism, LGBTQ “rights” and gender
ideology, all of which threaten the survival of the family, and, by extension,
society itself. For about twenty years at least, advocates of euthanasia have
been hammering away at Canadian society, appealing for legal changes that will
allow vulnerable citizens of all ages to be killed in the “compassionate” name
of “assisted” suicide or “merciful” killing. It looks like they have achieved
95% or more of their master plan considering last year’s decision by the
Supreme Court of Canada to decriminalize doctor-assisted suicide, a move which
will undoubtedly open the floodgates to more and more selective murder in the
Cardinal Collins The
Into the den of this evil national abyss stepped Cardinal
Thomas Collins last week to address the parliamentary committee. Keep in mind
that the Cardinal is the Archbishop of Toronto and is a duly consecrated Bishop
of the Roman Catholic Church and, as such, is a Successor of the Apostles of
Jesus Christ. Each Bishop speaks for Jesus Christ to those of his diocese. How
many souls are therefore under the Cardinal’s watch? You might answer, “As many
as are baptized Catholics living in the geographical boundary thereof.” You
would be wrong. The Bishop must count as his flock EVERY
soul living in his diocese, not simply the Catholic souls. By extension then,
the entire population of Canada falls under the spiritual care of the full
complement of Canadian Bishops (whether those souls understand, appreciate or
accept such care).
Having said that, we know the Cardinal was addressing a
parliamentary committee and, as such, a body of national scope. He himself is
considered Canada’s highest ranking prelate, by virtue of the diocese he
While Toronto's archbishop has no formal authority outside his
diocese's boundaries, the sheer size of Toronto and its status as the nation's
media capital make the Archbishop the sine qua non of the Church's presence in
Canadian public life. [Source] [Update: link no longer active. Go here instead]
The Bishop Stands In
For Jesus Christ
It is obvious then that the Cardinal’s was an opportunity to
address the nation of Canada and in a very real sense as Vicar of Christ. Who
doubts that his words held the potential to be nationally broadcast,
particularly so should he have said anything considered to be controversial? What
then would Our Lord Jesus Christ say to such a rebellious nation if He had just
5-10 minutes? Would He omit any reference to the Supreme
Law of the Church?
I maintain that it’s not too difficult to imagine the theme
of what we might hear from Christ the King. But my opinion is moot. It is well
understood what the Church expects of her Bishops when they speak for Christ.
Allow a Bishop to summarize:
Indeed, the aim of episcopal teaching is
none other than the sanctification of souls. Specifically, the Bishop must seek
to awaken Christian consciences and call every citizen to a responsible moral
life and freedom in Jesus Christ.
And a few more select quotes will sharpen the focus:
The Bishop, with the entire Church, must
pass judgment upon the deceitful and false messages of the age. Illusory
promises and false freedoms must be bravely attacked and substituted with the
message of salvation in Christ and liberation through his Cross and
it is wrong to remain silent out of a
misconceived respect for the separation of Church and State, or fear for the
loss of State granted privileges.
All that we do, therefore, to make known the
saving message of Christ aims to set men’s eyes upon the mystery of salvation
with lively hope in the promise of eternal life and union with God.
The Bishop is a herald of hope by pointing
to the things of heaven…toward enduring spiritual realities and the happiness
to which they are called.
Bishops must convey that it is precisely by
obeying the divine law inscribed in his conscience, expressed in the teaching
of the Church and urged by the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit that man comes
to a state of true freedom in which he is master of himself and able to relate
to others with interior strength and certitude.
his public role in civil society must never
divert so much of his attention as to impede his divine mission.
Having laid out the preceding as a foundation for my
criticisms, I will not take issue per se with anything the Cardinal said. He
seemed to speak more like an ethics professor from a Christian College than as
a Successor to the Apostles. His words lacked the authority of Christ. In fact
I venture to say that Margaret
Somerville would have made an excellent choice to express the majority of
the Cardinal’s concerns. I will simply ask why, in light of his duty as the
representative of Christ, he omitted the following two warnings and thus placed
the souls and futures of all Canadians at grave risk:
1)A warning
to all men and women in Canada, Catholic or non-Catholic, that support—in any
form or context—of physician assisted death, i.e. euthanasia, is a grave evil
and places the soul in real danger of eternal damnation. The natural
law is “present in the heart of each…and its authority extends to all men. It
expresses the dignity of the person and determines the basis for his
fundamental rights and duties.”
§CCC #2277
...Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in
order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the
dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his
§CCC # 1874
To choose deliberately—that is, both knowing it and willing it—something
gravely contrary to the divine law and to the ultimate end of man is to commit
a mortal sin. This destroys in us the charity without which eternal beatitude
is impossible. Unrepented, it brings eternal death.
circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is
intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the Law of God which is written
in every human heart, knowable by reason itself, and proclaimed by the Church (Evangelium
Vitae, n. 62d).
#2280....It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to
accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our
souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is
not ours to dispose of.
§CCC #2281
Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and
perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It
likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of
solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue
to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God.
2)A warning to Catholic politicians that they
bear a special and weighty responsibility in regard to advancing unjust laws
that threaten the life and dignity of human beings.
John Paul
II, continuing the constant teaching of the Church, has reiterated many times
that those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a GRAVE AND CLEAR
OBLIGATION to oppose any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every
Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them. (The
Participation of Catholics in Political Life, n. 4a).
In the
case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or
euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to "take part in a
propaganda campaign in favour of such a law, or vote for it" (Evangelium
Vitae, n. 73b).
We urge
those Catholic officials who choose to depart from Church teaching on the
inviolability of human life in their public life to consider the consequences
for their own spiritual well-being, as well as the scandal they risk by leading
others into serious sin.... No public official, especially one claiming to be a
faithful and serious Catholic, can responsibly advocate for or actively support
direct attacks on innocent human life (Living
the Gospel of Life, n. 32)
There must
be no confusion in these matters. Any Catholic politicians who advocate for
abortion, for illicit stem cell research or for any form of euthanasia ipso
facto place themselves outside full communion with the Church and so jeopardize
their salvation. Any Catholics who vote for candidates who stand for abortion,
illicit stem cell research or euthanasia suffer the same fateful consequences.
It is for this reason that these Catholics, whether candidates for office or
those who would vote for them, may not receive Holy Communion until they have
recanted their positions and been reconciled with God and the Church in the
Sacrament of Penance. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As
Catholics we have the further obligation to give assent to the doctrinal and
moral teachings of the Church because "to the Church belongs the right
always and everywhere to announce moral principles, including those pertaining
to the social order, and to make judgments on any human affairs to the extent
that they are required by the fundamental rights of the human person or the
salvation of souls." (3) In other words, as people who profess the
Catholic faith, we must "have the mind of Christ" in every judgment
and act (Pastoral
Letter On The Duties Of Catholic Politicians And Voters).
Catholic politicians who hold anti-life positions defend their voting record on
the ground that they are following their constituency or the will of the
“majority.” One cannot however defend an unjust law on the ground of political
consensus. We do not consider the “Jim Crow” laws, which discriminated against
African Americans, “just” because the majority of the population supported
them.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Catholic politicians have the responsibility to work against an unjust
law, even when a majority of the electorate supports it. When Catholic
politicians cannot immediately overturn an unjust law, they must never cease to
work toward that end (On
Our Civic Responsibility for the Common Good).
morality that protects human rights and thus the common good is the first and
best thing worth legislating. When a politician says, "I am personally
opposed to abortion but don’t want to impose my Catholic beliefs" or says
something like, "You can’t legislate morality," he or she fails the
common good. As the bishops stated in "Faithful
Citizenship," Catholics who bring their moral convictions into public
life do not threaten democracy or pluralism, but rather enrich them and the
nation (On
Catholic Teaching on Abortion and Political Beliefs).
Failing The Flock
Warnings are critical when dangers threaten, are they not? I
offer as evidence:
But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the
trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any
person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will
require at the watchman’s hand. So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman
for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn
them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’
and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die
in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. (Ezekiel 33:6-8)
Failing to warn the Committee—and by extension, all Canadians—is
an inexcusable omission by the Cardinal. As if to afford the Cardinal an
opportunity to redeem himself and prove his concern for souls, one might think Lady
Providence herself arranged immediately the exchange with Catholic MP Brenda Shanahan,
who seemed to be sincere in her statements but altogether clueless regarding
her responsibilities as a Catholic politician. She was also very confused about
the matter of “imposing her personal beliefs” on fellow Canadians, preferring
to compartmentalize her own Catholic beliefs. The scene in the video defined
between 18:15 and 21:40 is nothing short of an allegory of pseudo-catholic betrayal
amongst the Canadian episcopacy. Here’s the exchange, followed by my
MP Brenda Shanahan:
Thank you very much Mr. Chair my question is addressed to …uh Msgr. Collins and
Mr. Worthen…uh…I just want it on the record…uh… that I am a practicing Catholic
although I say practicing because I'm not very good yet (laughter)…ah…and you
can be assured that I have…uh…reflected…uh…and prayed on this matter…uh…
greatly…uh…both before and now during this time that I am a Member of
Parliament and…uh…what I…uhhhhhh…how I have had to make my peace with my own
personal beliefs, and I know what I believe and I know that if I’m ever faced
with the choice I’d like to think that I will be able to make the choice that
that my faith requires of me but that being said I I’m here as a
parliamentarian and and I cannot impose my beliefs on others and I am very
conscious of the fact that we have…uh…to…uh…make recommendations for
legislation that are going to address the beliefs and values of all Canadians
so given that the carter decision—and I am relieved to hear that you
acknowledge the carter decision as…uh…indeed as indeed we must…uh…what are
the…uh…how do you reconcile then your approach given that…uh…that …uh…so many
Canadians…and…uh…catholic Canadians look to…ah……uh…faith based care for that
end of life care…how do you reconcile…uh……uh……uh…that…that…end of
…uh…ah..ah…the process of delivering end of life care…uh…to Canadians and…uh…in
the event that they ask for…uh…physician assisted dying?
Cardinal Thomas
Collins: I would say that first of all we do not obviously agree with the…ah…with
assisted suicide and euthanasia. We think this is a direction which leads all
kinds of people into tremendous suffering and is not good for our whole
community. It is really a thing which causes great ultimate suffering for all of
the most vulnerable, including those who are considering suicide and things of
that nature. Um…We know though that obviously, as you say, that people are…are
proceeding along this path in response to the Supreme Court…umh… judgment
umh…but individuals…ah…and I would not presume to say that I am going to…by my
words (chuckle) or something, stop that from proceeding. I…that’s up…this is
the parliamentary process that’s in place. It is not for me to engage in it but
I would simply say that there are many many Canadians especially those most
deeply intimately involved in caring for people who are profoundly troubled by
our country moving in this direction and that whatever procedures you are in
the course of setting up that those who have that profound conviction…uh…must
be…I think their their conscience needs to be protected and I’m glad the
Unitarian church also agrees with that. I think that not only individuals but
also institutions. There is…there are ways of providing…aah…protection for
conscience and dealing with this issue and I think Larry has mentioned that and
might want to give more detail on that.
My commentary:
1)Brenda Shanahan, a “practicing” Catholic,
reflected and prayed on the matter of "my own personal beliefs" vs.
the views of “all Canadians” (as if there were some national consensus). We presume she is personally opposed (as our
own Catholic Prime Minister claims to be “personally
opposed” to abortion) and “here as a parliamentarian” which somehow is
automatically supposed to overrule her own Catholic identity. Did she make a silent
pact with her constituents that she would always privatize her Catholic
beliefs? If so, it would have been contrary to the common
good and a serious violation of Catholic teaching, as described in an
earlier section of this posting. She assumed that she “cannot impose my beliefs
on others” and was required to “address the beliefs and values of all Canadians”
and she “must honour the Carter decision”…“as indeed we must” she declared.
was in fact duty bound as a Catholic
politician to defend the sanctity of human life and to resist steadfastly
any proposal or legislation in the public realm that would attack it. When it
comes to rendering to God the things that are God’s she is obligated as a
Catholic to choose Christ and the teachings of His Church over Caesar. Anything
less is a betrayal of Christ. Her position suggests that certain other views in
the public square that clashed with the teachings of Christ were not only fair
and legitimate but actually took precedence because a man-made court pronounced
it so. If the court ruled that black people might once again be taken as
slaves, would she meekly accept the judgment? Apparently if the “beliefs and
values of all Canadians” lined up with such a decision, she would once again consign
her Catholic beliefs to the trash bin in order to “honour” the court. Such a
view is really only a variety of indifferentism, a
heresy condemned by the Catholic Church and closely aligned with moral
relativism, but one which stems from today’s highly esteemed and modern
value of “pluralism.”
2)Madame Shanahan actually egged on the Cardinal,
impugning his resistance to euthanasia by insisting “so many Catholics look to
faith based care for end of life do you reconcile?” She is
affronted and has stepped up the rhetoric as though the Cardinal has no right
to even hold to Church teaching in light of other people’s opinions, seemingly
oblivious to the concept that the Cardinal might actually adhere to God’s
position on the matter. Other Catholics like her often play the card of “separation
of Church and State” in such controversies. The MP from Châteauguay-Lacolle
has not grasped as a Catholic that the common good of a society is best
achieved by adherence to the revelation of God Almighty as expressed in the Magisterium
of the Catholic Church.
3)But doubly disturbing was the Cardinal’s shameful
response. Here seemed to be a moment orchestrated by God to help save the
woman’s soul. And how many serious Catholics have the opportunity to sit
opposite a high ranking Church leader, especially a Cardinal, and engage in
such a public showdown of positions? But the great question is: Was the Cardinal
successful in helping her to align her soul with the teaching of the Church?
Shockingly, the Cardinal completely sidesteps the challenge, almost as though
oblivious to the spiritual realities posed. It would have been entirely in
keeping with the Cardinal’s authority and duty to state, with great respect and
charity: Madame MP, I am compelled to say as a shepherd of God’s flock that
every Catholic is required to conform their conscience to the official and
infallible teaching of the Church, the very Mind of Christ, on such a weighty
moral matter as this one. In so doing, every Catholic politician can truly
fulfil their duty in the public square and so contribute to the common good. In
the matter of such a grave moral evil as euthanasia, which the Church condemns
as murder, should a Catholic politician fail to promote the good, but instead,
advance unjust laws that take human life, this would be counted as grave sin indeed
and that politician should fear for his/her eternal soul. It is simply not
sufficient to hold the teaching as a personal opinion or standard but rather the
teaching is universal and true and deserves to be advanced for the public good.
Furthermore, Madame MP, you are morally obligated as a Catholic to strenuously oppose
any such proposal or legislation which might favour euthanasia.
4)Madame Shanahan’s comments were quite scandalous,
given their import and their public setting. In a videotaped national hearing,
she signalled her intention to support a position contrary to Catholic teaching
on a gravely immoral matter, and, at the same time, pestered a Catholic Bishop
who held his ground. Such wrongdoing, if not exposed and condemned as false and
dangerous, would have further scandalized the nation, particularly Catholics
and all persons of good will. The fact that she was not corrected by the Cardinal
was a further scandal. By his silence he encouraged her and all the hearers in
the evil expressed; moreover he made no effort to help her curb her mortal sin.
5)Either the Cardinal does not believe Catholic
moral teaching on sin, judgment and salvation through Jesus Christ or he does
believe it but refuses to speak up for it. So which is it, heresy or
dereliction of duty? Perhaps the Cardinal does not truly believe that the MP’s
advocacy constitutes a mortal sin. Perhaps he thinks she is entitled to her
opinion, because, after all, her conscience,
not Christ’s teaching, is supreme. After all, the Winnipeg
Statement said as much, did it not? For all we know, that committee meeting
might have been the last meeting the MP would ever have, the last opportunity she
would have to amend her thinking and conform her heart to Christ before going
to meet God. Viewed in that light, was not the Cardinal’s abrogation of duty
capital indeed? I have argued similarly that the Cardinal’s silence
on contraception in his Archdiocese is endangering the souls of countless
of his flock.
6)In a very ironic twist, some of the Cardinal’s
own words seem to have betrayed the fact that he has altogether lost sight of
his commission as an Apostle of Christ (starts at approximately 20:45):
I would not presume to say that I am going to…by my words (chuckle) or
something, stop that from proceeding. I…that’s up…this is the parliamentary
process that’s in place. It is not for me to engage in it.
So we may infer then that, like
Madame Shanahan, the Cardinal himself believes that he shouldn’t impose his
beliefs upon others (not even upon fellow Catholics like Madame MP, his own
sheep!). But even that is not the most startling part: he suggests that he has
no expectation that his words could persuade the nation to abandon its course
towards euthanasia nor does he think even that he can play a decisive role in
the process: “It is not for me to engage
in it.” Is the Cardinal saying that his calling as a Bishop excludes him
from the process or that he ought to exclude himself from the process due to
some commitment to “separation of Church and State?” His words are rather
cryptic but we can say for certain that his words do not sound Catholic! If the
highest ranking Catholic Bishop of a nation, who stands in for Christ, the King
of Nations and the Universe, can play no decisive role in the moral direction
of that nation, regardless of where or when he speaks, who exactly could play
such a role? Such thinking is simply not Catholic!
7)Had the Cardinal come prepared to speak on
behalf of Christ, the scandal of MP Shanahan’s comments might have been
altogether avoided. A strong and comprehensive warning in the Cardinal’s
introductory remarks would have, quite possibly, altered altogether the
trajectory of the MP’s thinking. There simply would have been no need for her
to make such statements as she did after hearing the words of Christ.
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the
sheep. He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the
sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches
them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and is not
concerned about the sheep. John 10:11-13
Prayer for the Conversion or Downfall of ThomasCardinal
Dear St. Joseph, Terror of Demons and Protector of Holy
Church, Chaste Guardian of Our Lord and His Mother, hear my urgent prayer and
swiftly intercede with our Saviour, whom as a loving father you defended so
diligently, that He will pour abundant graces upon His chosen shepherd, Thomas
Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, Canada so that he will embrace fully
his duties towards all the faithful under his care, in accord with the laws and
precepts of Holy Mother Church, and, because of the gravity of their public
positions, particularly towards all wayward Catholic politicians in Canada’s
largest See and in the nation. Should the Cardinal persist in a callous
disregard of Church doctrine and standards which demonstrates contempt for God
and man and which ultimately condemns countless souls to Hell, dear St.
Joseph similarly intercede that through sickness, adversities, or other divine
judgements all his ministrations will promptly fail and come to their just end
in order that an example of God’s displeasure be manifest unto all God’s
faithful and that a worthy Bishop may take his place and restore order and
discipline amongst all Catholic souls in Toronto, the most influential see in
our great nation. Assist me further, dear St. Joseph, in interceding that in
the case of such a calamitous outcome, the Cardinal himself may, in the end,
find repentance with the Lord. Amen.
Not yet published on their website, but Steven Mosher of Population Research Institute relates a very powerful account of how Catholic activists in Crotia successfully led a national campaign to defend natural marriage. I'm not so sure that such an approach would work here in Canada but the strategy used should be studied well and any appropriate techniques employed. We need every advantage possible in fighting the culture of death. I hope something in this account will inspire others to successful action.
UPDATE: link now available on PRI's website.
One of the best talks at our Australia conference was given by Vice Vincent Batarelo (pronounced Vee-che), who led the fight in Croatia to defend natural marriage. Dr. Batarelo was also a natural to invite to our conference, since he was born in Sydney to Croatian immigrants and grew up Down Under. After he completed a BA and MA at Macquarie University, however, he decided to return to the country of his ancestors, which had just won its freedom from Serbian domination in communist Yugoslavia. He earned a Ph.D. there and went to work as the director of the Family and Life Office of the Archdiocese of Zagreb. The sexual libertines were on the march, having convinced a sympathetic left-wing government to start moving towards the legalization of homosexual unions. They had the support of the major media, and even many of the larger Croatian businesses. But Dr. Batarelo decided they would not win. He said, “This is not going to happen in my country, which has a Catholic culture and which throughout history has been the eastern frontier of Christianity.” He could draw upon the fact that 90 percent of Croatia’s population of 4.2 million is Catholic, of whom some 30 percent attend Mass weekly. Indeed, more than half are in Mass at least once a month, one of the highest percentages in any European country. He knew it would be a David vs. Goliath struggle. After consulting with other pro-life, pro-family leaders in Croatia, such as Marijo Zivkovic, he decided that it would be better to take the fight to the liberal-left opposition in a popular referendum. This had a greater likelihood of succeeding than trying to defeat the homosexual juggernaut in the legislature, where gay activists, supported by the government and the media, could threaten and suborn elected representatives. When they first announced that they were gathering signatures for a referendum, the reaction of the Left was simply to dismiss the effort to preserve traditional marriage. “You are from the Middle Ages,” they said. “You’re so backward. You will never succeed.” The law required that the supporters of the marriage referendum gather 145,000 signatures in a mere 15 days. The media kept reporting, falsely, that they were far from their goal. In fact, with the support of 6,000 volunteers they gathered more signatures than were required. A referendum was automatically triggered. “We knew that, in order to win the referendum, we needed to think strategically and act boldly,” remarked Dr. Batarelo. “We were in a chess match and we needed to think many moves ahead.” The first thing that Dr. Batarelo and the other organizers did was to meet with the Catholic bishops. They wanted to asked for their support—they did, and they got it—but they also wanted the bishops to stay in the background. They didn’t want to give the opposition the advantage of dismissing their concerns as religious. In religious settings they used arguments based on Catholic doctrine as well as natural law arguments, but in public they relied solely on the latter. “In the public setting we used only natural law arguments,” Dr. Batarelo recalled. “We reminded people that marriage has been around for 5,000 years, and that it is found in every culture, in every place and in every time.” They said that the battle over the definition of marriage had nothing to do with homosexuals per se, but had to do with defeating radical leftist ideology. This approach worked very well in Croatia, where people remember the bad old days of Communism. It also reminded people that the liberal-Left government was supporting a redefinition of marriage. They also were very careful to adopt a positive tone in their public pronouncements, as well as in private conversations with friends and neighbors. “We didn’t want to portray homosexuals as the enemy,” said the good doctor. “We called them our friends on the Left. But we did want to make clear the advantages to society and children of protecting natural marriage.” They were relentlessly positive, crafting their arguments for natural marriage based on the natural law, arguing the positive benefits of marriage between a man and a woman. They actively avoided talking about the negative consequences for society and children of legally recognizing homosexual liaisons. Natural Marriage = a Woman and a Man, their flyers read. Everything else is something else. They also were able to reduce the media bias in favor of homosexual unions by carrying out a study of the media broadcasts, which showed that there was a bias against natural marriage. After the study came out, the major media were somewhat fairer in their reporting. Finally, they were able to neutralize the media bias in another way as well, by turning to the social media. “If you don’t have the mass media on your side,” says Dr. Batarelo, “then use the social media.” By Twittering, Tweeting, Facbooking, and YouTubeing, they were able to create a media presence in the social media that won over large numbers of people to their cause. At the end of the day, the referendum succeeded. A majority of those who voted—voting is not compulsory in Croatia—voted in favor of natural marriage. The next big challenge, according to Dr. Batarelo, will come over the Life issue. Abortion is still legal in Croatia, having been introduced in the Communist era. But with the organization they have built in defending natural marriage, says the good doctor, “We will succeed in protecting Life from conception.” The marriage victory in Croatia is a model for such grassroots movements in other countries. It proves that the homosexual lobby can be defeated by a well-planned, well-organized campaign.