Published today to
Is Msgr. Vincent Foy the only honest senior cleric in Canada?
Msgr. Foy, a retired priest and canon lawyer of the Archdiocese of
Toronto, was born in Toronto in 1915. Over these last fifty years of moral and
doctrinal chaos in the Church in Canada he has fearlessly defended the
teachings of the Magisterium and pointed the path to fidelity for all to tread.
Many of my blog postings over the years have referenced
his articles and dogged determination.
A few days ago Msgr. Foy
completed a brilliant and comprehensive landmark posting on his blog entitled Saving the Church,
which included the following preface:
At the present time, in many countries the
Church is in grave danger because of the contraceptive mentality and many other
evils. To save the Church, many reforms are necessary. I am listing some
suggestions for this purpose.
He then proceeds under several headings, such as "Build a Culture
of Life", Revive Parishes", "Provide Authentic Liturgy and
Sacred Architecture", "Be Faithful and Orthodox" to identify the
painful failures of the hierarchy and to unfold his suggested plan to save the
There is no other way to say this:
No other senior Canadian cleric and, in
particular, no Bishop, has accurately diagnosed the disease and prescribed the
radical remedy for the pseudo-Catholic
culture entrenched in Canada's society over this past half-century as has Msgr.
Vincent Foy.
Considering the depth of the crisis implied and the role every Catholic
Bishop must actively play to sustain it Msgr. Foy's shocking assessment is tantamount
to declaring a wilful and wholesale apostasy of an entire generation or more of
senior Catholic leaders in our nation. Such a charge calls into question the
honesty and integrity of virtually every Catholic Bishop in Canada. Is there even one diocese in Canada where the faithful are exposed to anything resembling Msgr. Foy's remedy?