But what about those politicians who are not Catholic but
who promote anti-life or godless propaganda to their audiences? The US Catholic
Bishops dealt with the question of honouring those individuals who acted in
defiance of fundamental moral principles. This policy, contained in a 2004
statement “Catholics
in Political Life,” says in part:
The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those
who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be
given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their
Perhaps one of the most egregious violations of this policy
in recent years was the decision of Notre Dame University to honour
pro-abortion President Barack Obama. A firestorm
And now we see the news reports about the death of Nelson
Mandela and the tributes pouring in from high profile Catholic leaders, including
the Pope and Cardinal Dolan.
One Canadian prolife blogger squarely hit
the target as far as I am concerned.
Do the bodies of unborn children mean so little to them that they
cannot reflect for a moment on what they are doing? Can they not see that their words of
unqualified praise for a pro-abortion politician have cheapened human life and
given scandal?
Some of the best summaries on this travesty are surveyed in
these news items:
But, thank God, at
least one
Bishop had the fortitude and fidelity to set some kind of example:
Abortion is such an insidious evil. It has behind it the
subtle power of Hell itself that blinds and corrupts otherwise good men who
ought to condemn it at every possible opportunity but who have for the most
part acquiesced to the evil. Who can argue? Actions speak much louder than
120,000 little children worldwide will pay with
their lives TODAY for this dereliction.
The Catholic Bishops of the USA have issued their statement on the death of
Nelson Mandela. It’s more of the same. My comments are in brackets and in red.
WASHINGTON—Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, said the death of Nelson Mandela
marked the passing of an era and an icon, Dec. 6, the day after the South
African and world leader died in his homeland.
His statement follows.
Christians, people of faith and all people of good will mourn the news
of Nelson Mandela’s death, the passing of an icon and an era.
In his struggle against apartheid rule, Nelson Mandela was a light for
peace and equality [Peace? Remember Mother Teresa’s words on peace
and abortion. Equality? Don’t all human beings deserve equal treatment?]
in his country and for the whole world. His years of imprisonment
exemplified the suffering experienced by so many who seek justice. [But why was Mandela in prison? He was found guilty of
committing 156 acts of violence and terror.] As president of South
Africa, Mandela sought to undo the structures that marginalized and
impoverished people [but then Mandela went on to
institute new structures that have led to the deaths of over one million
unborn children in his native land, in addition to legalizing the
worst social evils]– work Pope Francis is now challenging the entire
world to imitate [Breathtaking! Imagine, considering the dark side of Mandela's history, making no
distinction in exactly what kind of actions that Pope Francis is calling us to
The prayers of the bishops of the United States are with the Mandela
family and with the people, the Church and the bishops of South Africa. We
thank God for his brave witness and for all men and women who work against injustice
[but which is the greatest social
injustice of all time?] and seek, in the words of Pope John XXIII, “to
make the human sojourn on earth less sad.”
The Canadian Bishops likewise issued their statement
and similar commentary can be made. However, the Canadian Bishops also claimed to
revere Mandela “as a man of integrity” whose aim was “to focus on each person's
inherent dignity
and strive for the common
good.” Furthermore they emphasized Mandela’s call to redirect systems and
institutions "so as to cater for the needs of development and the
interests of the poor".
Speaking of integrity how is it possible for Catholic
Bishops to issue such blanket statements of praise for a politician with such a
dark side? Supposing they were altogether overcome by the positive
contributions of this famous man, ought they not take the rare opportunity afforded
by a worldwide audience to alert the masses to the true nature of human rights and the
common good, as
reflected in Catholic teaching? Couldn’t they manage at least, a more candid
Catholic assessment?
I fear, however, they lack the discernment of the Spirit of
God. Have they not crossed the line, to the point of confusing evil for good,
by omission, if not commission? Their profound negligence leads even the most
respected Catholics to wonder whether they are not supping with devils. And
that makes our times all the more dangerous for every one of us. Starting with
the weakest member.
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